Fox North

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A welcoming community for new and existing residents alike.

Our early brand awareness strategy, including pre-leasing and lease-up efforts, resulted in over 210 passive leasing leads and a 92% occupancy just four months after opening.

Distinctive, walkable, and connected.

Capturing the essence of Fox North was a unique challenge. The community was new, with funding channeled through a non-profit, and it represented a new wellspring of diversity and vitality in northern Denver.


Brand Design
Signage Design
Property Website

The Objective

While the ideas driving Fox North were innovative and interesting, the neighborhood lacked an exciting reputation or thriving community presence that we could leverage in Fox North’s branding. It was a new part of Globeville, and it needed to embody both a visionary energy and a forward-thinking practicality.

We wanted Fox North’s brand to embody the blend of rich cultural heritages that have shaped Globeville since the 1800s, when German immigrants in the smelting and rail industries first settled there, celebrating diversity without alienating existing residents.

Modern brands can often feel exclusive, and we wanted to avoid that trap with Fox North. By bringing this mission-driven neighborhood to life in a way that was accessible, vibrant, and welcoming, we hoped to unite the community and carry it forward into the future.

Our Approach

The purpose of this project was to provide resources for local businesses and people, so we set out to ensure that the branding was positive, vibrant, and inclusive.

To that end, we featured a bright and dynamic color palette, then designed a logo that used soft angles and an illustrative style to conjure the peaceful, the idyllic, and the conceptual. Our messaging, meanwhile, was focused on aspirational language that conveyed Fox North’s mission.

Next, we created an early website that brought the visual and contextual together. The site leveraged industry best practices for SEO and performance, colorful renderings, smart mapping components, and orchestrated a brand experience where stakeholders could engage with the visionary ideas at the root of Fox North.

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